Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sweetest Thing

My six year old daughter wrote this in her diary but I didn't think it was wrong to post it because she gave it to me and didn't tell me not to share it with anyone. I will be holding on to this to remind her how special I am when she is a teenager and realizes I don't know everything. Joking aside, I think this is the sweetest thing (besides her) and it's a keeper (and so is she).

1 comment:

  1. This is so neat. I would keep this forever. I would probably frame it. CHERISH these moments now because they will change. You will probably show this to Lidya in about 10 or 11 years. My Scott will be 18 on the 27th. And I remember when he wanted to marry me. I should have taped that. Now he barely wants anything to do with me, only when he needs gas money.
    Have A Great Day !!
